Mixed VPN Config Files and Settings 2022

All VPN setting and config files download. Get all ha tunnel plus files OpenVPN settings Droid VPN TLS tunnel HTTP custom Psiphon pro and more VPN

Today I'm going to share different types of VPN config files for you to connect to free internet.

It is very easy to get free internet in your country and almost in every country.

But sometimes you may need to know which methods work best in your country.

Because if you don't know which method to use unfortunately you are not going to make it.

So in this article, I decided to share different VPN applications with their different settings.

This might help those who I have in trouble to get free internet access.

So you will have a VPN and below the application, you will be able to download the settings.

If you have any questions regarding this you can let me know in the comments so I can help you.

And also if non of the VPNs below is working for you you can drop a comment so that I can help.

All vpn settings and config files download

Ha Tunnel Plus Files Download

At least below is a list of ha tunnel plus config files for different networks.

You can start by downloading the ha tunnel plus application and followed by the configuration files.

Click on the download button below so that you can download the latest ha tunnel plus application.

Download Latest Ha Tunnel Plus

Now proceed to download the configuration files that are relevant to your network.

The configuration files below are listed depending on the network and or country.
Ha Tunnel Plus Files For Vodacom

But keep in mind that they can also work in more than one country.

So if the one you tried failed to work you can also try the other one for a different country.

That can help because the worst name can be the same as the one you need to connect.

Ha Tunnel Plus Files For MTN

Ha tunnel plus config files under this section for MTN for different countries.

Choose your country and download hat files under your country.

Sometimes if files for your nation are not working you can choose hat files for other countries.

They might work for your country as well, you just have to try.

MTN South Africa

Configuration files under the section work for MTN South Africa.

If you're not in South Africa you can try as well that is if config files for your country are not working.
MTN 2GB Hat File Download
Unlimited MTN Ha Tunnel Plus
GoBoza Unlimited Hat File
MTN Hat File by Blackkid
Unlimited MTN Config Files
MTN 1GB Fast Hat File
1GB MTN Hat File

MTN Uganda

Ha tunnel plus config file download for MTN Uganda unlimited internet data.

If you are not in Uganda you can try as well, they might work for your nation.

MTN Nigeria

For those in Nigeria and those who use MTN, these are the config files for MTN Nigeria.

They are not meant for other nations however, you can try.

MTN All Countries

MTN for all countries, this is actually all net hat config files.

They actually work for different MTN SIM cards in different locations.

You can give them a try if you downloaded hat files for your country that are not working.

Telkom Config Files

For those who use Telkom, these are the config files for Telkom.

You can download and use the access for free internet on your Telkom sim card.

If they are not perfectly working you can try the all net hat files below.

Other Ha Tunnel Plus Files

This is a list of all other networks that are not listed above.

You can give them a try and see if they can work for you however if they feel to wait for you please comment.

Ha tunnel plus files download has reached the end and this is it all.

I hope you have found ha tunnel plus files download to easily connect to ha tunnel plus.

Stark VPN Reloaded Config Files

Stark VPN Reloaded File

HTTP Custom Config Files

Before you start downloading HTTP custom files you may need to download the HTTP custom app.
This is the latest version of HTTP custom and it will remain the latest because it will be updated regularly.

HTTP custom config files download for free and unlimited internet data.

You can download the HTTP custom files below that end in .hc.

HTTP custom works in many different countries and it may work in your country too.

If your country is not listed below you can download those that are available.

They may also work for your network you've got to try it out, it's very easy.

HTTP Custom Files For South Africa

If you're in South Africa and you use HTTP custom or you want to try it out you can use the files below.

HTTP custom configuration files for South Africa work in South Africa and also other countries.

You can also try them on your network they might also work for your network.

HTTP Custom Config Files For All

If I was below are for HTTP custom and they work for different networks.

You can pick your network and see if you can get some free internet data.

You may also want to download the HTTP custom application.

Click on the download button below and download HTTP custom for Android.

TLS Tunnel Config Files

TLS Tunnel config files for different networks for accessing unlimited data.

The files are not categorized by country however you can pick whichever one you want and connect.

It is very easy and just like the other VPN apps above.

You may also want to download the TLS tunnel Android application.

Click on the download button below so that you can download TLS tunnel Android app.

Droid VPN Settings

You may also want to get the latest droid VPN settings and config files.

Droid VPN is one of the best free internet data applications available on the internet.

You can either use settings that you enter yourself or you can download the config files.

If you are facing any challenges please be sure to drop a comment so that we can help each other.

Droid VPN Settings

Go to settings and click on TCP and HTTP, they need to configure as follows.

Remote TCP port 443 and local TCP port enter 1080.

Now turn on send HTTP headers on TCP and proceed to set HTTP headers.

Click on the set HTTP headers and on the URL enter

The URL doesn't matter and does not affect anything, it just has to be there.

Proceed to extra headers and check them as follows, online host, user agent, and keep alive.

Then click on generate, validate and save.

Now go to VPN connection settings and take the first 4 options and turn off the rest

Now go back to the main dashboard and click start to enter your account details.

That's all, click the start button, allow up to 7 minutes. If you don't have an account create a droid VPN account.

Droid VPN Proxy Settings

If the above settings failed to work proceed with these ones. 

You don't need to change what you have entered above.

Go to your settings and under TCP and HTTP click on proxy settings.

On the proxy host enter one of the below hosts IP addresses, 1 at a time, and the port must be 8080.

Now proceed to set proxy headers and on URL or host enter, on extra headers tick keep alive only.

Click generate, validate, and save. Go and connect on HTTP or TCP.

I hope you will connect to your Droid VPN but be patient, Droid VPN is different from ha tunnel Plus.

OpenVPN Config Files

OpenVPN is one of the best VPN applications that can give you free data.

But don't get confused, there is OpenVPN connect and OpenVPN for Android.

One of them can provide you with free internet but they work differently.

But now let's talk about OpenVPN for Android.

You can download the configuration files below, this will be so much easy to configure.

You will get open VPN .ovpn and HTTP injector both .ehi and .ehil.

You import the HTTP injector file and you import the OpenVPN file.

On HTTP injector you don't need to set anything, just import the file (.ehi for HTTP injector) and (.ehil for HTTP injector lite)

But on OpenVPN, you import the configuration file and follow the video below.
Follow the video above to set up your OpenVPN for unlimited internet.

Use the configuration files below, I hope it will be so easy for you.


More VPN config files and settings are to be on this page and you will see them.

If there are some VPN apps that you may want to be added to this page please comment.

Thank you so much, please don't forget to share this post.

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