Droid vpn netone settings November 2020

Droid vpn netone settings November 2020. Open droid vpn application Go to settings... Local TCP 53 Remote TCP 50...

Droid vpn netone settings November 2020

These settings are working on some devices however they are not working on other devices. So you can use these settings and perhaps they will work for you. 

But if these settings fail to connect on your device
please bear in mind that we generate settings ourselves
we have some settings too that might work for you. 

If they refuse to work again please comment your device name and android version
you will connect to droidvpn for free using netone sim card. 

First of all go to settings, go to manage applications, locate droid VPN and click on it. Go to storage and clear app data. If this process is so complicated for you then you can uninstall the droidvpn app and reinstall it again. 

Don't configure the app with your own mind and settings, follow the instructions below. But if you're sure that you did it the correct way and it doesn't work for you then there's a second option for you. Click here for netone settings

 Remote 2401

Local      5222

set http headers to tcp    enable 


keep alive ✅

user agent✅

online host ✅

generate & validate save 

go to udp



proxy enable proxy set the following then once done turn it off dont leave it on




keep alive✅

forward host ✅

generate n save 

go to main connection select http not tcp 

select server 7  press until u connect 

http connection connects for many hours once connected 

before we forget on vpn connection u press 6 things only

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