Droid vpn netone settings
Hi guys I've got something new here. I have droid vpn netone settings that are currently working.
Please be sure to follow all the configuration instructions as provided.
If you fail to connect because of your laziness don't blame me please.
These settings are currently working on many devices.
Droid vpn settings
First of all open the app and click on the three lines on your upper left.
Click on settings.
Click on TCP & HTTP
Configure this way:
Remote Port: 104
Local Port: 65000
Turn off "Send HTTP headers on TCP.
Click Set HTTP Headers.
Url/Host: netone.co.zw
Tick the following:
Online Host
keep alive
User Agent
Go to Proxy Settings
Turn on the following:
Enable proxy
Enable Proxy As Server
Proxy type: Https Connect
Proxy host:
Proxy Port: 3128
Proxy Headers
Tick Keep Alive only
Generate, Validate then Save.
Use vpn service API
Enable compression
Enable MTU Scan
Leave the rest off.
Enable wake lock
After this go back to the main interface and go to account.
Enter your login details then save.
Use sever free 7 on TCP.
Now click start until you are connected.
Some people are just clicking two or three times and they say the settings are not working.
Please forget about few clicks to connect.
You should keep on clicking the start button because it's no longer easy nowadays.
Unlike last year, premium accounts would connect with even 1 click.
But today there nothing called one click connect unless you was once connected for the past few minutes.
Or if you have been trying to connect for the past few minutes you can actually do a one click connect.
But the best way to get connected for real is to keep trying.
And don't forget to use quality and stable internet connection.
Because if you use weak internet connection you will not connect at all.
Droid vpn is working perfectly, check out my YouTube channel for updates.
Just go to YouTube and search for SirApps Inc. There you will see my channel.
Enjoy watching the videos and don't forget to like and subscribe for more updates.