droid vpn netone settings 2021

Get the latest droid vpn netone settings 2021. These settings are working perfectly and they are there for free. Step by step guide.

Droid vpn netone settings 2021

droid vpn settings

I'm going to share with you the droid vpn netone settings 2021 that are currently working. 

These settings I'm going to share are working and confirmed by many users on different devices.

They are perfectly working, you don't take more than 5 minutes. 

What you need is the stronger network signal and patience. 

To make it clear let's say it takes 2 minutes for me then takes 15 minutes for you.

It's actually because of location difference and or devices used.

However all it takes is patience and quality network signal.

Furthermore do not be too lazy and starting blaming the settings.

These settings are working perfectly for many users and devices.

So if others are commenting then you must get connected using these settings too.

They are tested using free and premium accounts, they're all working great. 

Droid vpn settings

First of all open the latest version of droid vpn application. 

Don't update the servers, leave them like they are.

Choose the account button and enter your droidvpn username and password.

Now go to settings from the menu. 

Go to TCP and HTTP

Configure the settings as shown.

Remote tcp 0025

Local tcp 5000

Turn on send HTTP headers on tcp 

Set http headers 

Url/host: modapk.co.zw
Tick the following:
Online host 
Keep alive 
User agent 

Generate validate then save 

Enable Proxy 

Port: 8080

Proxy headers 

Url/host: modapk.co.zw
On extra headers tick 
keep alive 

Vpn connection settings 

Tick the first 4 

Set it on tcp and use only free server 7

Don't update the server list.

If you're having challenges to connect using the settings above, it's probably because you're using poor network signal.

Droidvpn requires strong internet connection first. 

So you must search for places that have high speed internet connection first.

Or you can download this app, it'll help you ease the process. 

You can also watch the tutorial videos from my YouTube channel to see how it's done. 

Read This Too

Could not open main tcp socket droidvpn

I shared what I had for you today and you can also share if you have working settings. 

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