latest droid vpn settings for netone 2021

Get the latest droid vpn settings that are trending for netone in 2021. These settings are free for everyone and they are perfectly working.

Latest droid vpn settings for netone 2021

latest droid vpn settings for netone 2021

Today I just want to share with you the latest settings for droid vpn for netone users of 2021.

To tell you the truth these settings are not easy to find on the internet. 

We used to seek and find the working settings on the internet all along. 

But nowadays it's even harder to get even a single working setting.

You can scroll down to droid vpn settings.

This is usually because many people does not even have the working settings. 

But because they are used to have them some time before they just copy what they had before and change the digits only. 

By doing that they that people will always come to their website and find something new. 

That's what they want while there is nothing worth reading or taking. 

I post more articles about droid vpn settings not every time. 

But only when the settings changed or when I find new settings. 

This makes me different from other people who are posting droid vpn settings. 

Without wasting much of your time let's jump to the main article.

First of all you must bear in mind that you need an account to use droidvpn.

Click here to create your own droidvpn account. 

If you already have an account just proceed to the next step.

Droid vpn settings 

Click on the 3 lines on your upper left 
Go to settings 
Go-to tcp and http 

Remote tcp 2401

Local tcp 65000

Turn off send HTTP headers on tcp 

Vpn connection settings 

Tick the first 4 

Turn on proxy settings 

Proxy host :

Port 8080/80

Proxy https

Proxy headers

Keep alive (only) 

Connect on tcp using free server7

Use the latest droid vpn app, if you don't have download it below. 

Droidvpn Recommended 

Droidvpn Not recommended

This is what I had for you today. 
So if you're having problems configuring these settings. 

Please don't hesitate to ask for assistance and help. 

Or you can just comment in the comments section below. 

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