Openvpn settings for netone zimbabwe

Latest openvpn settings for netone zimbabwe. Available are settings for openvpn for android and http injector open vpn settings for netone

Openvpn Settings for Netone Zimbabwe

Openvpn settings for netone zimbabwe

Today I'm going to share with you the latest openvpn settings for netone zimbabwe. 

These settings are currently working on netone perfectly, open vpn settings for netone

Follow the given instructions carefully and don't blame the settings if you fail to connect because of misunderstanding or laziness.

Open vpn settings for netone

First of all install the http injector apk and open it, now configure as follows:


1. Secure Shel
2. HTTP Proxy  then click save

Click on payload and click generate on a given pop up dialogue. 

When the dialogue appears tick keep alive only and then click on generate payload

Now click on remote proxy

Proxy Host:
Port:  3128

Now go to you http injector settings

Click on apps filter and turn on the 2 options then tick http injector and open vpn.

Now click on local port binding and enter this number 1080

Well done!  You're done with http injector, let's proceed to openvpn for android.

Download and install openvpn for android, make sure it's openvpn for android.

Open your open vpn and import the sever 18 file.

Input your username and password. From the options below choose disconnect, keep password.

Scroll right to sever list and select http
Sever address..
Sever port... 8989

Scroll right again to allowed apps
Turn on all the option there, only one on top os turned on by default.

From the list of applications select http injector and open vpn settings for netone

Openvpn Connecting Trick

Click start on your http injector and minimize. Open your openvpn and click on the file you have imported to connect.

When it say connecting tcp, waiting for sever reply, authenticating, getting client configuration, now it's connecting

However when it fails to finish authenticating it will say waiting 2 seconds...

Now wait again for it to say connecting tcp then click to reconnect open vpn settings for netone

Reconnect 2 times and on the third time disconnect it then open your phone settings and force stop your openvpn.

Return to your http injector and stop then change binding port to 3000 connect again.

If it fails redo the process. Mostly it connects using port 1080.

Enter 3000 on local port binding, do the same and enter 1080 again.

Meaning that if you repeat the process thrice it must connect.

NB your phone must on data server turned on and set a data limit of 1.2 gb
open vpn settings for netone

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