Droid VPN Settings For Netone
Droid vpn settings for netone 2021, I'm going to share with you the latest settings for netone.
Hello good guys, how are you doing, today we're going to talk about the current settings for droid vpn netone Zimbabwe.
I myself have confirmed that these settings are surely working although I have never used them.
I have a telegram channel which I use and pick subscribers from different regions and I make them test the settings I share with them.
So when I get a successful test I share with others even those who don't follow me.
You can also join the channel if you want, it will help you to stay up to date.
Droid vpn settings changes suddenly and you may wonder how to get the current settings.
Join my YouTube channel, Telegram channel, WhatsApp groups as well as This Website.
You will be up to date and you can also contact me directly and I will help you if I have time.
However if I am too busy to help you I will just give you a set of settings.
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Droid VPN Settings
Droid vpn settings for netone
Remote TCP : 110
Local TCP : 3128
Send HTTP Headers on TCP : OFF
Set HTTP Headers
Click on : Generator
URL/Host : netone.co.zw
On extra headers please tick the following, don't do what you're thinking in your mind.
Online host
User Agent tick
Keep Alive tick
Now click on : Generate and Validate then finally click Save
Go To Proxy Settings
Enable Proxy
Disable proxy as server
Proxy Host : 8080 8080 8080 8080
Choose any one of the above proxies to connect.
Droid vpn settings for netone that are currently working this week.
Set Proxy HTTP Headers
URL/Host : netone.co.zw
Tick the following extra headers
Keep alive
Validate then finally click Save
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VPN Connection Settings
Tick the following only:
Run as root
Use VPNService API
Enable Compression
First and last only
Droid vpn settings for netone Zimbabwe.
How to connect easily
Pres start until it says Could not open main tcp socket.
Now go to app info then force stop the app and clear cache.
Wait for at least 5 minutes, don't wait for less than that.
Go back to the app and click start button, it will connect on the first click.
That is if you have good network signal, however if your network is poor you may need to keep clicking while it says could not open main tcp socket.
This is it, thank you so much for your time if it doesn't work please contact me directly.