Do You Actually Need Life Insurance?

Insurance - Do you actually need life insurance? Today i'm here to try to help you get to the bag we got a new caller calling talk to me what you get

Do You Actually Need Life Insurance

Do you actually need life insurance? Good morning good afternoon and good evening and welcome to this life insurance article.

Today I'm here to try to help you to get a better understanding about whether or not you need a life insurance.

Listen everybody, on Facebook there's been going viral about life insurance.

Now listen guys this is a question from someone on Facebook.

I'm only 31 and I got a little some through my job do I really need some life insurance right now.

Help me out man. This is such a great question all the right questions are right because in the end of the day we all want to live forever

But unfortunately that's not going to be the case and for the for that reason the decision to actually get life insurance should be a real serious consideration right for every household.

But then you go to ask yourself the question do you actually need it right.

And now I think the best way to answer this question is by another question.

My question is would your death cause any financial burdens to anybody in your life that actually depend on you?

So think of it like this right, if you suggest to die unexpectedly would you leave anybody in your life on the hook for any bills, financial cost or any other debts.

Right and if the answer is yes then yes you should have a life insurance policy.

The next thing you got to ask yourself is like okay, what actually impacts the costs of your life insurance.

Let me know you got a few factors you got your age your gender and your health history.

If you're a smoker or not what are your hobbies as well as what your occupation is.

And what is your actual life insurance policy right now?

Weather it's term or whole life look because, at the end of the day one of the main goes of your life insurance is to put your family at ease.

Of course by making up for a loss of also didn't come therefore a general rule of thumb to determine.

Measure Life Insurance You Need

Just so much life insurance you should actually have is to multiply your yearly income by either 10 or 12 times.

So I think of it like this, here is an example if you make about $50,000 a year you are probably going to need roughly $500,000 to $600,000 in coverage.

So if you're actually getting it from your job you should actually look at it and really see exactly how much it is.

Because on average what is job is willing to give you is roughly one to two times what your annual salary is.

So yes you are probably going to need more life insurance.

But man really good question man I really hope that helps next caller talk to me what you get.

Look it's easy to get caught up in the grind of trying to make ends meet.

Buying your first car, saving up for a house, raising the family and more.

It can't be a lot to end or luckily you got a good neighbor that can help it Tech There agent right in your neighborhood.

Yeah they can use make sure you have all the information you need to make the informed decisions about protecting the financial future of your family like a good neighbor.

This is what I had to share with you today about life insurance so thank you for your time.

I hope you really enjoyed it and I hope it's really helpful in your life.

However if you still have any questions please feel free to ask them in the comment section.

Now I have something for you you might be interested in reading one or two of the below articles.

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