WireTun VPN Free Internet VPN 2022 How to add Unlimited Time on WireTun

Hi guys and welcome to TechThere - technology website, in today's tutorial we are going to enjoy unlimited internet using WireTun VPN. 

Wiretun VPN is available in the play store and you can download it for free using your android smartphone.

It doesn't need logins or any configuration files to provide unlimited internet on all networks.

After you have successfully downloaded and installed that wiretun VPN for the first time to use wiretun you should be having a little data so that it can download the servers.

Then you select the server and you tap connect it gets connected and you enjoy unlimited internet then 

when it gets connected you need to add time.

So  that you stay online using WireTun VPN so to add time that is where the challenge that most people are facing.

If you have any questions or if you are facing any problems for example its connected but not working please let me know in the comments. 

And in this tutorial I want to look at how to add unlimited time on Wiretun VPN, to  add time on Wiretun VPN you should ensure that wiretun is connected and it is working. 

We solved the challenge of connected but not working our tutorial that we looked at last time  

If you want to learn more about that just click on the search bar and enter your query then search the entire website.

To add time you have to watch ads so that you support the developers of the app but at times the ads are not available.

What you should do the first method is to destroy all running app activity you open where turn again then you click watch ads that one it might work out.

If it doesn't work out then you got method number two you have to change the server to some of the servers and according to my research that i've made and consultations they are good to go in case you want to add time.

Number one server is usa one or you can connect using usa to all uk one and uk two so you have to connect to these servers when they are not yet full.

And also, you must ensure that it is running that is by checking the app and the downlink on the stats to see whether they are both running.

From there for example when I'm connected to uk 2 and you can see that whenever I click a time I get one hour and when I click add time again I can get another hour. 

I click add time again I get more hours up to until when I get unlimited time on Wiretun VPN 

Otherwise in the third method we are developing a modded version of wiretan with unlimited time 

which I shall be also providing to my TechThere subscribers.

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