Glo Recharge Codes To Load Airtime or Credit Card Fast and Simple

Glo recharge codes to load Airtime or Credit Card fast and simple using your phone.

It is very easy to recharge your Glo in Nigeria using a short code.

How To Load Glo Recharge Card

To recharge your glow recharge card you need to use the code *123*15DigitRecharge#. Click on the call button and wait for some time depending on your network.

If the recharge is successful you will see it on your screen as well as if it is failed.

So it should be looking like *123*123456789012345# then dial.

You can also check your Globacom balance by dialing *124#.

How To Recharge Glo 5X

It is very easy to recharge and get five times worth your recharge amount.

Dial *555*RechargePIN# and you are done.

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