new droid vpn settings for netone november 2020

Today I come to you with new droid vpn settings for netone november 2020. These settings are are still working and I have published them in November 2

New droid vpn settings for netone november 2020

Today I have new droid vpn settings for netone november 2020.

I published these settings last year in November but they are still working. 

They are very fast, so I think I can reshare them with you guys. 

I always like people who talk. If something is wrong, comment or let me know. 

You can also go to YouTube and search for SirApps Inc. 

There you can watch tutorial videos with step by step guide. 

You can also subscribe so that whenever I post an update you will be notified. 

You must stay up to date about new droid vpn settings for netone. 

If you're new to droidvpn please scroll down and read how to use it first. 

So now open your droidvpn app, if you don't have you can download it here

Enter your login credentials under the account section.

After that click on the "save my login" button.

Now go app settings and tap the tcp and http button.

Now configure this way

Remote tcp port: enter 443

Local tcp port: enter 9202 

Go back and click on (send HTTP headers on TCP) make sure you turned it on.

Now click set HTTP headers and configure this way. 


Turn on the following:

User agent 
Online host 
Keep alive 

Leave the rest as they are, you don't need to change what I haven't tell you to change.

Now click the generate button to generate the HTTP headers.

After that click validate button to update the existing code. 

Finally click save to save the code you have generated. 

Press the back button and go to vpn settings.

It's written vpn connection settings. 

Turn on the first 4 options and turn off the rest. 
This is it now you can install the app and enjoy free and unlimited internet. 

In Zimbabwe it works with netone but if you're not in Zimbabwe you can check out with your friends. 

To those who don't know what droidvpn is you can refer to this document. 

See you in the next post. 

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