Droid VPN Latest Settings
Download Droid VPN from playstore
Now Open the Droid app
On your top right side, click on the three lines and on Account.
Input the login details you created on your account with or create account on this link.
Click on save login details and tap the three lines again.
Click on TCP and HTTP
Input following:
Remote TCP : 22
Local TCP :9999
Turn off Send HTTP Headers on TCP, this is more important so make sure it is turned off the the settings to work.
Click on: Set HTTP Headers
To set your http headers click the button named “Generator” on the bottom of your screen.
Remove the Facebook URL there and now input: internet.netone
After that you will see a section named extra headers, select the following check boxes:
Keep Alive
Online Host
User Agent
Then Click on the “Generate” and the “Validate” and the "Save" buttons respectively.
Press back to main settings
Go to Proxy settings
Enable Proxy
Tap the proxy type button and set it on HTTP Connect.
Then click on Proxy Host and put :
And now click “Ok”
Then click on: Proxy Port
Insert these numbers :8080
And click “Ok”
And now click on: Proxy HTTP Headers
Just the same as you did on to click the Generator
Remove the Facebook URL
Insert the URL: internet.netone
Then go to extra headers on tick the following check box.
Keep Alive
Finally Click the “Generate” and the “Save” buttons respectively.
VPN Connection Settings
On vpn connection settings you can either choose the first and the third options only or select the first 4 options only.
And lastly go back to the main interface of the app and click on TCP.Select server 6 or 15.
Now click the big circle and make sure you click stop before it says "Connecting HTTP"
Oke the trick is this...Enda kuma APN ako and put these first
APN : www.cbz.co.zw
PORT 8080
SERVER : www.cbz.co.zw
To connect to Droid you have to follow this very carefully.
(1).Click Start and let it connect and disconnect for the first time.
(2).Click start for the 2nd time then when it is connecting to HTTPS ,click stop immidietly before it says authenticating,Do tht for at least 3 times.
(3).Now Press start and click stop when it is saying connecting to TCP for at least 5times then repeat process number (2).
(4)After pressing stop from step (3) it should only be showing you a popup that it is connecting to TCP only and when it does that,click stop and then count at least 2 minutes and then try to connect after 2 mins and u will be connected
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