How To Stabilize Your Internet Connection For Droid VPN

how to stabilize your internet connection I am going to share 4 best apps to stabilize your internet connection. These are the best publications
I am going to show you how you can stabilize your internet connection when you are using droid VPN.

This tutorial is going to be so useful and it is going to work for you to have fast connection.

Slow internet connection is so annoying and it doesn't matter you are using free internet, it is just annoying.

So today we want to take some measures to speed up our internet connection.

They are many ways to stabilize your internet connection that can work on different devices.

So from the methods I am going to list below just pick one that can work best for you.

Like always, if you have any questions please be sure to leave them in the comments so that I can help you.

Also, if you want something else besides how to stabilize you internet connection you can search this website.

How to stabilize your internet connection

Today I'm going to show you how to stabilize your internet connection easy. 

For safer and enjoyable internet browsing whether using a vpn without you will need a high speed and stable internet connection.


Go to Google Play store or type termux on google download the app and install after that open the app.

After the pop up type: ping then press enter or the small arrow on your keyboard.

Then  you go to the notification bar of termux press a small arrow pointing down click on acquire  wake lock you're done with termux.

Note that you can also do the same on terminal emulator.

L4d Pingtool

L4d Pingtool is yet another connection stabilizer that can actually stabilize your internet connection.

It is available on the Google Play store and it works so great with many devices.

Download L4d pingtool on google Play Store. Click search bar and type L4d pingtool.

Install after downloading then go to settings scroll down to IP address clear all the digits u see enter the address below.  then click ok and minimize the application by pressing the home button once then you're done with L4d pingtool.

Hspa+ Tweaker

Hspa+ tweaker is also another connection stabilizer booster that's so great.

You need to go to Google Play Store or google type hspa+ optimiser download the app & install.

After installation just tap on start the color will change from red to green you're good to go.

Connection Stabilizer Booster

Connection stabilizer booster application for Android is a great application that can stabilize your internet connection.

It works perfectly with 3G and 4G and also it works on all devices.

Go to Google Play Store and in the search bar type: connection stabilizer booster.

Click the first one and click the install button to install the application on your phone.

Wait for installation to begin and complete then after successfully installed click open.

Click the rectangle box on the right side and you're done, nothing else. 

Use any of the above apps to stabilize your internet connection. 

One application at a time, don't use 2 or more apps at the same time. 

If you have any questions question please feel free to ask me in the comments.

You can also take a look at the below articles, you may love them. 

Droid vpn whatsapp group links 

Sviro whatsapp group links 

Droid vpn settings.


Thank you so much for your time, I really enjoyed sharing this article with you.

I hope you now know how to stabilize your internet connection and get high speeds.

However, if you have any questions regarding how to stabilize your internet connection please be sure to let me know.

I'm always ready to help you with any questions that you might have so leave your questions in the comments.

Don't forget to share this article with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook and all over the social media.

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