Top 5 Best VPN Apps

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. A VPN is a private network that provides privacy and anonymity online. It hides your current internet protocol

 Best 5 VPN apps 2020

Best vpn apps for android

Today I came up with a new post and in this post I'm going to show you the best 5 VPN applications that took the trophy in the year 2020. 

This post is based on the Google top 10 applications of the year. So I just want to let you know what Google has recommended to us at the end of this year. 

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Let's jump in to our main post. But before we get there let me explain what really is a VPN. 

What Is A VPN? 

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. A VPN is a private network that provides privacy and anonymity online. It hides your current internet protocol (IP) then assigns a random IP address for you to use on your online connection.

Now that you all know what we are talking about let's get started. But if you have something that you need to know about VPN or anything concerning a Virtual Private Network feel free to ask me in the comments section. 

Top 5 VPN Apps 2020

1. SuperVPN Free VPN client

This virtual private network has ranked number one and the best VPN amongst the other. 

It has over 100 million+ downloads, this means it has been downloaded over 100 million times. It is rated 4.7 out of 5.0 and it has over 1 million reviews. 

Download SuperVPN Free VPN Client from the download button below, just click on it. It's 11mb

supervpn free vpn client download button

2. Turbo VPN

Turbo VPN is a virtual private network that has ranked on the Google top ten. It is available on Google Play Store. 

It has 100 million+ downloads on Google Play.  It is rated 4.5 out of 5 with 4 million+ reviews. The application is 11mb in size. 

If you want to download it just click the download button below and you will be directed to the download page on Google Play Store. 

Download button png

3.Hotspot Shield

Hotspot shield is also among the best virtual private network applications that has been ruling in the year 2020. It has over 100 million downloads. 

It is rated 4.1 out of 5.0 and has over 1 million reviews. The rating is still great since it's more than 80% and the reviews are over 1 million. 

The application is 15mb and you can download it from the download button below. This download link redirects you to play store. 

Hotspot shield vpn download

4. Psiphon Pro VPN

Psiphon Pro VPN - The internet freedom VPN this one is also rated among the best virtual private network applications of 2020. It was downloaded for over 50 million times. 

It is 4.1 out of 5.0 and has 564k reviews. The rating is not that bad because it is above 80% for it is out of 5.

To download this VPN click the button below. The file size is 21mb.

Psiphon pro vpn download button

5. Droidvpn 

Droidvpn is the other best vpn that is among the list according to this website. It was downloaded for more than 10 million times on Google Play Store. 

It has 82k reviews which gave this application a final rating of 4.1 out of 5.0. This means it's over 80% rated which is so good. 

This VPN application allows users to connect to the internet even if they don't have credit bundles. Only if you have the correct settings. 

Click on the button below to get the direct download link of this application to Google Play Store. 

Droidvpn apk download button

This is what I brought to you today, thank for your time. If you like this post just subscribe to our newsletter so that you will be notified when we post new and amazing content. 

If you have something to share or any comments according to this post please consider dropping your comment in the comments thread below. Don't hesitate to comment, it's free and easy. 

If you have any questions about this post please feel free to drop a message in the comments field and I will answer your question as soon as possible. 

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